
atunse justice league

Restorative Justice
Healing & Relationship Building


What We Offer

Trainings. presentations. CIrcle keeping. consultation.

Participate in experiential trainings, educational presentations and circles which lead to healthy relationships, and community empowerment.


Mission and Vision

Atunse Justice League’s mission is to spread restorative justice and create awareness for a larger United States movement towards a truth and reconciliation process. AJL’s vision combines deep personal and professional experience, bringing healing and connectivity to trainings, circle process and consultation. We address racial, social inequities and disparities as well as the criminal legal system and mass incarceration.

Atunse: to restore and amend.”
— Yoruba People of West Africa

Reach Out.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your inquiry into restorative justice.

Please specify if you are looking for consultation, training or to have us hold a restorative justice process for you.